Time Limit: 1000/500 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 8723 Accepted Submission(s): 3440
Problem Description
For a decimal number x with n digits ($A^{n}A^{n-1}A^{n-2} … A^{2}A^{1}$), we define its weight as $F(x) = A_n * 2^{n-1} + A_{n-1} * 2^{n-2}+…+ A_2 * 2 + A_1 * 1$. Now you are given two numbers A and B, please calculate how many numbers are there between 0 and B, inclusive, whose weight is no more than F(A).
The first line has a number T (T <= 10000) , indicating the number of test cases.
For each test case, there are two numbers A and B ($0 <= A,B < 10^9$)
For every case,you should output “Case #t: “ at first, without quotes. The t is the case number starting from 1. Then output the answer.
Sample Input
0 100
1 10
5 100
Sample Output
Case #1: 1
Case #2: 2
Case #3: 13
求$\sum_{ i = 0 }^{ B } [F(i) <= F(A)]$
一开始我的做法是基于$dp[u][prefix]$的数位dp, 第一维表示当前数位, 第二维表示前部的级数和, 但是数据组数太多,会TLE。
于是考虑将第二维倒过来,变为$dp[u][F(A) - prefix]$, 这样就可以复用前面数据计算过的dp数组, 于是$O(Accepted)$
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